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About Elm Court



All pupils admitted to Elm Court School must have an Education, Health and Care Plan. If the Education, Health and Care Plan indicates that a placement at Elm Court School might be appropriate, Lambeth SEN ask us to consider whether or not we can offer the pupil a place.


All admissions are via the Lambeth SEN department. We currently have pupils from a number of other London boroughs. If you live in another London borough, you must ask their SEN department to consult with Lambeth SEN and ourselves.

All referrals are considered by our admissions panel and an initial decision will be made as to whether or not we feel Elm Court can meet the special educational needs of the pupil. Where possible the pupil will be visited at their current school and the pupil and their parents/carers will be invited to visit the school during school hours as part of this process.



We can only consider admitting pupils younger than 11 if the pupil would be coming to Elm Court at secondary transfer and an early transition is appropriate.


General visits for prospective pupils and their parents/carers take place throughout the school year. These are arranged by contacting the school office or by email. We welcome visits to our school, so please call our school or email:


If you live in Lambeth you can contact the Special Education Needs (SEN) Service on 020 7926 9579 / 2673 / 9582.


Please note: if your child requires Home to School Transport you will need to apply through your Local Authority as school does not arrange this.

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