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Inclusion Team Support

At Elm Court School our Inclusion Team supports pupils to bring about positive change in the behaviour of children and young people experiencing difficulties with their social, emotional and mental health development, which impacts on their achievement.


We work closely in partnership with families, carers and pupils. We work to enable pupils; particularly the most disadvantaged, to have full access to educational opportunities and overcome barriers to learning and participation.


Our Inclusion Officers provide specific, targeted and tailored support for pupils that have been referred to the team. Our inclusion ethos underpins all our policies which are focused on enabling all of our pupils to access a high-quality educational experience and prepare them for their next steps and life beyond school.


We focus on a whole school approach to behaviour management with high expectations for safeguarding pupils through positive behaviour, in order to ensure that our school is safe for all pupils. The purpose of our approach is to develop a culture of excellence in behaviour and respect for the whole community. This culture is embedded in a consistent and transparent approach which ensures that Elm Court School remains an inclusive school which is fair and safe for everyone.


At Elm Court we work towards having a Total Communication Environment using visual aids and communication in print to support pupils to learn. Mindfulness is embedded in the curriculum and available to all staff and pupils. Mindfulness is a great skill for pupils to learn. It helps them face daily challenges, by teaching them to pay attention to their breathing as a focus which helps them to feel calm. Then they can learn to notice their feelings, even upsetting ones. 


We operate a pupil-centred approach with a focus on preventing the causes of negative behaviour rather than simply dealing with the symptoms. Elm Court ensures that intervention and prevention are key to our school’s approach rather than punishment. There are Behaviour and Reward Systems in place, so that pupils are able to recognise that positive behaviour will be rewarded.


Where pupils are unable to self-regulate or understand the impact of their actions, they are given support from the Inclusion Team in managing strategies to support their behaviours. Emotional self-regulation helps pupils develop resilient attitudes and primes them for learning and success. Zones of Regulation is an approach used at Elm Court to support the development of self-regulation in children. 


We have a dedicated team of Inclusion Officers who are Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) trained. They work alongside teaching staff to ensure that ELSA sessions are available for those pupils who need extra support and guidance.

Inclusion Team Support

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Elm Court School,

Elm Park, London, SW2 2EF

020 8674 3412


Headteacher: Joanna Tarrant

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